Coronado Springs Resort
Moderate Resorts \ Coronado Springs Resort
While open to everyone this resort was developed with conferences in mind. If your company or large group are looking to stay at the Walt Disney World resort and would like to have your meeting areas right next to your rooms, then this is the place to come. While most of the hotels can accommodate this, this resort had conferences in mind from the initial conception. Coronado Springs truly is a resort and a kind of separate little world of the greater Disney World. The rooms are spread out and there is actually a golf cart taxi/bus that roams around the lagoon walkway to take you from different points. The pool area is also very nice, with a great Aztec styled slide that swoops and turns thru vegetation. A lot of fun!
Restaurants Maya Grill | Nightclubs & Lounges Laguna Bar Las Ventanas Rix Lounge | Quick Service Food Cafe Rix Pepper Market |
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last updated: 8/12/2007